English, asked by rahulsinha4392, 11 months ago

Dairy entry on city life to simplicity of village life


Answered by ritikraj200490

Happy days

By Mrs Ford ¶ ¶ Tagged family life, fashion, London, persephone books, village cricket, village life ¶ 13 Comments

To London on Friday to meet a) internationally acclaimed fashion designer at opening of her new exhibition b) daughter in search of dress for end-of-term ball.  Sons insist that I Actually Blow-Dry My Fringe For Once in honour of occasion;  feel that unaccustomed effort was entirely worthwhile when two separate people at museum ask whether I too am  fashion designer. (Feel grateful that they do not see me afterwards, puffing in increasingly crumpled fashion around hot streets of central London, or battling to eat healthy takeaway oriental salad box with chopsticks on park bench.) Dress-buying mission unexpectedly straightfoward, and have time for good discussion with daughter about Manchester, Cicero and Romania before we head home in separate directions; am surprised at how normal this seems.

Son playing cricket for village Second XI on Saturday; team quickly dismissed by superior opposition, and whole match over by time tea is normally served, but nobody seems unduly worried, and have pleasant time chatting to former village postmistress about beards, childbirth, and changes in village since 1953.

Weather continues to be warm and sunny so head for sandy beach yesterday; husband swims, I paddle, everyone eats chips and generally Makes The Most Of It  just in case. Read delightful “Miss Buncle’s Book”, and see that sunshine is forecast all week.

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