Dairy entry write about the happiest day of your life word limit 100 -150
50 will be the answer
100- 150 =50
There is a day in everybody’s life when he is the happiest of all other days. The happiest day of my life was the day when I had stood first in the examination of Class VIII and had also won a prize bond. I got up early in the morning to prepare for school. I was much excitement as it was the day of announcement of results. I reached the school early. I thought that I would just pass the examination, but, it was a pleasant surprise when it was announced that I stood not only 1st in my Class but also in the whole school. I thanked God and praised the teachers who had guided me so well in my lessons.
When I reached home there was another pleasant news. My sister told me that I had won the second prize in the Prize Bond scheme. It was a cash prize of ten thousand rupees. It was astonishing to get such a large amount of money. My friends and relatives started coming to congratulate me on the double success which God had bestowed me. That was the happiest day of my life.