Dalo 81 shurite a better to your friend telling her I him about your ambition in life you are kanala of 40-c. sector y 48 chandigarh
Date: __/__/____ (Date)
From _______,
I hope you are doing well. I am absolutely well here. I am writing this letter to express my thoughts about my aim in life. I have always shared everything with you, so this letter is absolutely worth it.
I aim to achieve happiness in life. I have a hectic schedule here. Every day, I have to grind myself into a never-ending day. It is the _________ (school/college) that keeps me engaged and then comes taking care of myself. I want to become a ________ (what you want to become in your life). I know, I have to work for a very long journey ahead. I want to take a ____________ (specialization/goal).
And the maximum I can aim for is to become a ________ (your career goal). I want to become a ________ (your career goal) because the ________ (reason). I will work hard and make everyone proud, including you too. Please do write me back and tell me your aim.
I will be waiting for words,
Yours loving,
________ (Name)