data collection and interpretation about Paddy production in last 10 year's
Paddy cultivation plays a prominent role in Kanyakumari district where most of the farmers
depend upon it since paddy is an important food product of south India, it is being imperative to
improve the same. Hence this study is an attempt to extract the inherent factors lies in the
development of paddy cultivation in this district.
S.No. Age (Years) Number of Members Percentage (%)
1. 20-40 26 26
2. 41-60 67 67
3. Above 60 7 7
Total 100 100
S.No. Marial Status Number of Members Percentage (%)
1. Married 95 95
2. Un Married 5 5
Total 100 100
S.No. Education Number of Members Percentage (%)
1. Primary 22 22
2. Higher Secondary 34 34
3. Graduates 29 29
4. Post Graduates 15 15
Total 100 100
S.No. Occupation Number of Members Percentage (%)
1. Employed 28 28
2. Business 21 21
3. Farmers 51 51
Total 100 100
S.No. Family Members Number of Members Percentage (%)
1. 3-6 72 72
2. 7-10 19 19
3. 11-13 6 6
4. 14-17 3 3
Total 100 100
S.No. Income (Rs) Number of Members Percentage (%)
1. Below 40,000 36 36
2. 40,000-80,000 34 34
3. 80,000-1,20,000 19 19
4. 120000 & Above 11 11
Total 100 100
S.No. Area (acres) Number of Members Percentage(%)
1. Up to 1 53 53
2. 2 17 17
3. 3 9 9
4. 4 12 12
5. 5& above 9 9
Total 100 100
Source: Primary Data
It is clear from the 67 per cent respondents belong to the age group of 41-60, 26%
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