Find average balance of accounts at Partridge branch use aggregate function to find the balance. Note: account is the table name branch_name is "Parryridge
2. Find maximum amount of any loan in the bank use appropriate aggregate function 3. Find the number of branches that currently have loans
4. Find the average loan amount for each branch step1: select branch name
step 2: use aggregate function for average as avg_amt from table loan and use group by branch name
5. Find out the name of the branch with the smallest number of assets
6. Write a query to add 2% interest to all bank account balances with a balance of $500 or less using update command
7. Write query to find bank accounts with a balance under $ 700
Note: consider the table name as Account consider attribute account_number and balance
Account No. balance
A-102 400.00
A-101 700.00
A-444 1000.00
A-305 350.00
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Aggregate Functions are all about
Performing calculations on multiple rows
Of a single column of a table
And returning a single value.
The ISO standard defines five (5) aggregate functions namely;
2) SUM
3) AVG
4) MIN
5) MAX
Why use aggregate functions.
From a business perspective, different organization levels have different information requirements. Top levels managers are usually interested in knowing whole figures and not necessary the individual details.
>Aggregate functions allow us to easily produce summarized data from our database.
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