Science, asked by yashdeepbs002, 4 months ago

Date- 10 May 2021
Time-30 min
1 A substance has no mass. Can we regard it as matter?
2. As it correct to say that matter is continuous in nature?
3. Give reason-
a) A gas fills the vessel completely
b) The smell of hot food reaches you several meters away
4. Why ice floats on water, although liquids generally have lower density than sos (2)
5. When a small amount of salt is added to water in a beaker, there is no noticeable change in
the level of water. Explain why is it so? (2)
6. What are the characteristics of partides of matter. (2)
7. Describe an activity to show compressible nature of gases. Give two applications of
compressible nature of gases (3)
8. Difference between the three states of matter on the basis of (3)
Shape and volume
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Answered by himanshutiwari07357


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