English, asked by ss3729636, 7 months ago

Title-' A Triumph of Surgery'


Mrs Pumphery pampers her dog so much that he falls ill... the vet forcibly hospitalises him to make Difference in Assignment and work?..
recover from overeating.....Tricki feels very happy as he has the company of the other dogs & he recovers soon 'because he exercises while playing & he eats within limits...

i) Write the different ways in which their mothers pamper them.

ii)Recall the times they have overeaten & how they felt after that...

iii)Express their views on why they feel exercise is necessary for our health.

iv)Mention   two reasons why Tricki was fat.

v)why was Mrs Pumphery overfeeding her dog?

vi) Why was Mrs Pumphery worried?

vii)collect  information on the author James Herriot...his style & his works.

viii)why did the doctor decided to take a ‘firm line’?

ix)why it was a temptation for the doctor to keep Tricki as a permanent guest?

x)Put the different words to describe Mrs Pumphery in the form of a web chart.

xi)Write the difference in Tricki  before & after hospitalisation.

xii)how did the lunch become a ceremonial occasion at the surgery?
xiii)’Triumph of Surgery’...Is the title of the lesson relevant with the story? How?

xiv)Do you think Mrs Pumphery’s suffering for Tricki was justified?...Why?

xv)Healthy eating & exercise are important for good health....Express your views in 80-100 words using the following words from the lesson...bloated sausage, listless, lithe, distraught, toiled, put the new regime into practice, with a leg at each corner.

xvi)Imagine you are a Veterinary Surgeon & Mrs Pumphery is getting a lot of food stuff to the hospital for Tricki . Write a short para on what would be your reaction & intention.

xvii)You are Mrs Pumphery.Write a diary entry for any day when Trichi was in the hospital.

xviii) ‘He had no medicinal treatment....’ Draw a web chart showing the different things Tricki did at the hospital which helped him recover.

pls help me to solve these q

pls pls pls pls


Answered by ojhapratyush599


mothers pampers sometimes in various immature ways

as they really care for their child but method of caring becomes unhigenic for their child sometimes

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