Hindi, asked by jjiffry320, 6 months ago

Date :
Are these statements or 'x'?
1. Trees provide shelter and shade for us.
2. Trees provide us food.
3. We use wood from trees to build our houses.
4. Trees make oxygen to help us to breath.
5. It's good to cut down trees.
6. Trees make the environment beautiful.
7. Big trees are called bushes.
* Name 4 things that made out of wood​


Answered by abcdefghi76

. Trees provide food

Papaya, mangoes, oranges, limes, lemons, peaches, coconuts, cashews, apples and more come from trees. Beyond these nutritious and delicious fruits, some of our favorite spices also come from various parts of trees including cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, and cloves. Trees are also the source of almonds, walnuts, pecans, and cashews, too! Finally, but certainly important, trees bring us chocolate (cocoa) and maple syrup.

2. Trees protect the land

Trees protect the earth from soil erosion, fires, flooding, and wind. Forest Garden farmers use trees as fences, windbreaks, and barriers. They use a living fence technique which has proven especially useful in providing in creating a green wall to improve their soil, provide a boundary, keep livestock out, and absorb and redirect heavy rains.

3. Trees help us breathe

Trees produce oxygen and clean carbon dioxide out of the air we breathe. Without trees, life could not continue. Trees have also proved to remove airborne particles from the air and reduce smog, thereby improving the air we breathe, and therefore, our respiratory health. The work trees do in improving the air quality is one of the most critical ways in which we benefit from trees.

4. Trees provide shelter and shade

On a hot day, nothing is better than the shade of an old tree with an expansive canopy. Under a tree is often the location of Forest Garden farmer meetings and trainings. Trees act as nature’s air conditioner and help slow water evaporation from soil. Did you know that the evaporation from one tree can produce the cooling effect of tenroom-size air conditioners running all day!

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