Computer Science, asked by kumarvickeya, 8 months ago

Expt. No
Page No.
22: WAP to enter two matrices of size m*n & n*m respectively. find multiplication of inputted matrices & print in proper format​


Answered by shivikasrivastava482


yes affocourse please please please please please

Answered by amansh17


can u hack or programming


To multiply two matrices, the number of columns of the first matrix should be equal to the number of rows of the second matrix.

The program below asks for the number of rows and columns of two matrices until the above condition is satisfied.

Then, the multiplication of two matrices is performed, and the result is displayed on the screen.

To perform this, we have created three functions:

getMatrixElements() - to take matrix elements input from the user.

multiplyMatrices() - to multiply two matrices.

display() - to display the resultant matrix after multiplication.

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