Date of birth and death of Aryabhata
Born on 476 ad in patliputra
Died ON 550 AD
date of birth of Aryabhatta is 476AD
date of death of Aryabhatta is 550AD
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Aryabhatta was born in Kerala and lived from 476 AD to 550 AD, he completed his education from the ancient university of Nalanda and later he moved to Bihar and continued his studies in the great centre of learning located in close proximity to Kusumapura in Bihar and lived in Taregana District in Bihar in the late 5th ...
Aryabhatta had written that the moon reflects the light from the sun. Aryabhatta born in Kerala in 2700 BC, was one of the early members of School of Astronomy and Mathematics in Malabar of India . Aryabhatta was the first to calculate Pi of 3.1416 and the solar year of 365.358 days .