Sociology, asked by Sniki, 1 month ago

Day 62,

What is special about these words: job, polish, herb?

I prefer a perfect explanation. No spam or irrelevant answers. I'm reciting it again I'll not hesitate to report your unwanted answers.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Answered by ripinpeace


All the words have different meanings when their first letters are capitalized. These kinds of words are known as Capitonyms.

job - A task or field of work.

Job - Job is the central figure of the 'Book of Job' in the Bible.

polish - To make the surface of something smooth by rubbing.

Polish - The official language of Poland.

herb - A plant used for seasoning .

Herb - Shortened from of 'Herbert' which is a man's name.

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