English, asked by nbano5412, 1 month ago

day break summary of the poem in eng class 6​


Answered by sharmapriya9686



ट आर यू डूइंग टू से दैट आई एम सो ब्यूटी व्हाट आर यू से टुडे व्हाट आर यू सीन टुडे नाउ यू स्वीटी स्वीटी डेट इज द कॉन्प्लीमेंट प्ले ऑफ द यू आर लिविंग इन टू डू इन द कमेंट्री डेट इज द कम्युनिटी ऑफ दिस इस टू लाइंस टू लाइंस इन द कम्युनिटी ऑफ दिस कम्युनिटी

Answered by sylphykv


daybreak a wind rises up from the sea. It gracefully takes up the duty of the messenger of dawn. On this mission, it starts its journey towards the land. The sea is still in its slumber of mist. So the wind first tells the veil of mists to make room for it so that it can freely move on. It then sees the ships anchored and calls the mariners to set sail as the night is over. It blows over the lands and calls all to arise and awake. It calls the forests to rustle in the wind and unfurl their branches and leaves fully and freely. It tenderly touches the folded wings of the wood bird and inspires does not want to disturb their sleep and so it says that they should not be awakened as the time has not yet come.

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