Daydreamers holding their bodies still for a time letting the world turn around them han the eaching touch Irawn f while their dreams hopscotch, double-dutch, dance, hey w fter th his dr n their orwar thoughts roller-skate, criss-cross, bump into hope and wishes. oward owar his d Dreamers thinking of new ways, looking towards new days, tew. Woj planting new tries, asking new whys. Before long hands will start to move again, eyes turn outward, bodies shift the action, but for this moment they are still, they are the daydreamers, letting the world dizzy itself without them. Scenes passing through their minds make no sound glide from hiding places promenade and return silently the children watch their memories with spirit-eyes t seeing more than they saw before t feeling more or maybe less than they felt the time before reaching with spirit-hands to touch the dreams drawn from their yesterdays They will not be the same after this growing time, this dreaming In their stillness they have moved forward toward womanhood toward manhood. This dreaming has made them new.
it is written by Eloise greenfield
plz summary this chapter I need help
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what is the name of this poem plz tell me
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