Dear bapu you are immortal
Human beings are social animals, and the tenor of someone's social life is one of the most important influences on mental and physical health. Without positive, durable relationships, both minds and bodies can fall apart. Individuals begin life dependent for survival on the quality of their relationship with their primary caregiver, usually their mother. And the nature of that relationship typically influences all the others in that person's life; they develop an attachment style that influences their personal and professional relationships. Human's survival as a species similarly hinges on the capacity for social living. Most of human history was spent in small groups in which each was dependent on the others for survival, and evidence suggests this is the condition to which humans are best adapted. Technology has changed the way people interact with others in their daily lives, but it hasn’t affected the basic need to form supportive bonds with other people.
Dated 20th November, 2019
Dear Bapu,
I am writing this letter to you to express my gratitude to you for everything you have done for our country. You are indeed a the great soul and rightfully the Father of the Nation. Your philosophy of truth and non-violence that paved the way for the freedom from the British rule.
Your birth anniversary, Gandhi Jayanti, is celebrated on October 2 as a national event across India. This day is observed across the entire world as the International Day of Non-violence.
Your non-violence and satyagraha policy lead India to achieve Independence without shedding a drop of blood. India achieved freedom in August, 1947. Your philosophy of non-voilence is admired across the world. It has been adopted by many civil and political groups to stage protest against injustice and powerful corrupt leaders.
You believed that all human beings are God’s special people and must be treated equally irrespective of their caste, color, language, creed, region, and religion.
Dear Babu, you are immortal. You will always live in our hearts. Your memory will always be cherished. You will always be remembered for your selfless love for the country and her citizens, your humility, your truth and non-violence, and for your tireless efforts to remove discrimination from every corner of our Motherland.
Your life, your sacrifice and your noble principles have inspired me and also changed my way of thinking. I will always try to follow your footsteps.
Yours lovingly,