English, asked by ashokbasnet8868, 1 year ago

Dear bapu ''you inspired me '' About this can you give me a letter in 1000 words


Answered by Shaizakincsem
Letter to: Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhijee
Bhangi Colony
New Delhi.

Dear Mahatmajee,

If you don't mind acknowledge my respectful Namaskar. I am your obscure companion yet I needed to keep in touch with you on occasion and again in spite of the fact that you never cared to answer them. I sent you my papers "Back to Godhead" however your secretaries disclosed to me that you have next to no opportunity to peruse the letters and considerably less to read the magazines. I requested a meeting with you, however, your bustling secretaries never cared to answer this. At any rate as I am your extremely old companion albeit obscure to you I am again keeping in touch with you to convey you to the legitimate position merited by you. As a true companion, I should not veer off from my obligation towards a companion like your great self. 

I let you know as an earnest companion that you should quickly resign from dynamic governmental issues on the off chance that you don't desire to die an inglorious death. You have 125 years to live as you have coveted to live however you on the off chance that you kick the bucket a shameful passing it is no worth. The respect and eminence that you have acquired over the span of your present life time, were unrealistic to be gotten by any one else inside the living memory. In any case, you should realize that every one of these distinctions and glory was false in as much as they were made by the Illusory Energy of Godhead called the Maya. By this misrepresentation, I don't intend to state that your such a large number of companions were false to you nor you were false to them. By this deception I mean dream or as it were, the false fellowship and respects acquired in this manner were yet making of Maya and along these lines they are constantly impermanent or false as you may call it. In any case, none of you neither your companions nor yourself knew this reality.

I would just demand you to resign from legislative issues at any rate for a month just and let us have a dialog on the Bhagavad-gita. I am certain, in this manner, that you might get another light from the consequence of such dialogs for your advantage as well as for the advantage of the world everywhere—as I realize that you are earnest, legitimate and moralist.

Awaiting your early reply with interest.
Yours sincerely,
your name 
Answered by Sudhalatwal
Examination Hall
ABC City

18 July 2017

Dear Bapu

We are now living in the twenty-first century and we take pride in the advancement we have made by leaps and bounds. With communication and information technology, the world has changed altogether. The world has come to be known as 'global village.' Business and trade have leaped the boundaries of nations and the country is on the path to prosperity. The opportunities in education have also widened and now more and more people opting to study in the universities abroad. These are positive things that give us a feeling that there are certainly positive things to look up to in life and your fruitful efforts to make India free without bloodshed has not been wasted. I really get immense strength when I see that how you could stand on your point without deterring and ultimately achieved what you sought. In life also, if we can follow the same attitude and determination, no task is too difficult to accomplish.

Similarly, Bapu what you stood for in South Africa was a great vision to eliminate racial discrimination. Truly, people who can feel for others and work for them to bring happiness in their life are rare, and from you, I have learned how to maintain your thoughts and identity and not to get lost in the futile race of this world. Today, during this time of selies and groufies, when everyone is turning too self-centric, your example motivates me to stand for a good cause and become the voice of the speechless and downtrodden. 

Bapu, most of all your simplicity set me thinking that you could choose to have a flourishing career as a barrister, but you chose to live a simple life exercising great self-control. I wish I could get even a small percentage of that. With a high degree of western influence, our youth are turning to the luxurious lifestyle and leaving behind the great values that our forefathers and the leaders tried to inculcate among the youth. I wish our generation doesn't ape the west and focusses more on self-realization.

Bapu, all your life you promoted non-violence and ultimately you non-violence brought us freedom. But in the present scenario, killing and bloodshed have become a common problem. Except for a man's life, everything else has a value. The youth going astray and adopting terrorism is a cause of concern for everyone. Just because of some misguided conniving people the innocent people are turning to violence. And there are no living examples for them to emulate or may be if there are, they are dormant and insignificant. 

I draw a great learning from the incident when a mother came to you asking for help as her son ate too much jaggery. You waited for fifteen days to tell the boy to leave that habit, for, you yourself wanted to stop eating jaggery before telling the boy to do so. Where do we get this integrity of thought, speech, and action? I try to maintain this integrity in my day-to-day dealing with the people around. 

I wish we have more people around us today who can embody the qualities you had and inspire children to make this world a better place.


Yours affectionately

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