Social Sciences, asked by Sai333, 1 year ago

"Dear Bapu you inspired me" write a essay on it


Answered by Anonymous
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People like Mahatma Gandhi are born once in thousand years. They do not come to the world everyday. They are apostles of peace and non violence. They are incarnations who descend to shoulder with the common folk. They do not like to be class apart. This world is their true Karambhoomi (work-place) where they live and die for the upliftment of the masses. They do not believe in race, caste and religion. They toil, they struggle for selfless cause. Their personal motive is at the lowest ebb. They are true servants of humanity. They do not amass pleasure and pelf. They come empty-handed, they remain empty-handed and when they exit the world, they leave behind them as brilliance equal to thousands of suns. What an immortal achievement indeed it is.!

We all know about our father of Nation and his contributions. Like you, when he was in college, he was beaten and humiliated but he remained firm as a rock to his cause. He never agrued with anyone. When he was in South Africa, he saw that black Africans and Indians were beaten and were suffering from discrimination. They had no privileges, no rights, loads of barriers were imposed by government. Then Mahatma Gandhi decided to start a movement against government. He followed path or love, truth and non-violence and soon he became the leader of the Indian-Africans.

Non-cooperation Movement, Dandi March and Quit India Movement are his major contributions. These measures adopted by Gandhi Ji shook the very foundation of British Empire in India. His way of persuation, fasting unto death, remaining cool and serene even in the face of grave situations are now part of Indian History. He brought freedom to one-fifth of humanity. He never took help of bullets to make India independent. He was a great leader, a saint anf a great social reformer who always went on the path of non-violence. He was pious, truthful and religious. Gandhi Ji showed India and the world the path of truth and non-violence. His philosophy and policies influenced many British and important leaders and political movements throughout the world. His ideas of truth and non-violence made India's identity as a tolerant and secular democracy.

He belongs to the ages. That is why the great scientist Einstein truly said: 'Coming generations will scarce believe that such a person (Gandhi Ji) in flesh and blood ever walked on on the earth.'

At last I want to thank Gandhi Ji for inspiring me, not only me, for inspiring the world. I want everyone to be like our Bapu.
Answered by Nikki57

Great people are one in lakhs and so were you Bapu. Great people like you are born once in thousand years and dies after doing a lot to the country, to the people and they form a ever living personality of themselves in the world, in the heart of people. You were apart from all those crowd of people who were normal, you were special, you made your name in everyone heart and your inspirations are forever settled in everyone heart.

What I can say about your kindness and your love for a country! My one of the role model and inspiration is none other than you . You not only inspired me , you inspires, inspiring, and will keep on inspiring people with your works and quotes, though you are not alive in this world but you are forever alive in each Indian people heart.

War is not a solution to every problem, said by you, it's true, wars are not solutions to every problem. You made me inspired by making me determined to always move to the right path and solving problems, fights, and difficulties with peace. We all will carry this idea in every field of life, as this skill of being peaceful and doing works wisely in difficult situations is needed in every part of our life as it makes our character more sensible and we become one of the likes of people. I believe that your ideas will be a mindset for everyone and everyone will effectively use your ideas in their life.

It would be great if I would be able to meet you once in my life and if they would be possible I am sure that day would be a great day of my life.You are the father of our nation, your photo is not in currency notes like that only, you were special and unique that's why it's there. You selflessly contributed to the people, you made them feel proud of their country.

The movements started by you were very effective and made our India proud, you made us realise that one should be happy with what they have, one should respect ones country heritage, countries culture and country things. Foreign materials aren't as good as we have.

You fled the Britishers from India by non-violence which is one of the successful thing you have done. Children even loved you for your kindness and the love you gave to everyone.

The famous quote by you-

"The weak can never forgive, forgiveness is the attribute of the strong"

You made us realise that mistakes happen from everyone, but the strong is one who forgives not punish, punishment can never make anyone accept his mistake, but the kind words will make. One should be wise enough to forgive one who commits mistake.

You also said that we should serve everyone selflessly without caring of the price. We should be happy that we are helping others, price doesn't matters, good deeds are more than anything.Also , it is said by you , that work hard as you will live forever, that means, that we should work hard without caring of future, we don't know when we will die, but we should serve others as we will live forever so our name is forever alive. There are many other things you inspired me with. Can't tell more in words.

At last I would thank you for your works and inspirations. You were alive , you are alive, and you will be alive.

An Indian.

Nikki57: sorry for what i wrote before-_-
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