Biology, asked by aj7219820893, 9 months ago

deascrib anther and draw digram of t.s of anther and dhiscied anther ?


Answered by abhijeetparekar2018


selected Mar 1, 2020 by Beepin Stamens are the male reproductive units of a flower. Each stamen is composed of an anther arid filament; Anther consists of microsporangium, pollen grains which contribute male gametes are formed within microsporangium present in anther. A typical anther consists of column of sterile tissue called connective and anther lobes on either side. Each anther lobe bears two pollen chambers also called microsporangia. Thus, dithecous anther consists of 4 pollen sacs or micro sporanga. Anther at maturity consists of sporogenous tissue covered by anther wall which is made up of epidermis, endothelium, middle layer and tapetum. Epidermis: It is the outmost covering of the anther wall, single layered and protective in function. Endothelium: It lies below the epidermis. The cells of the endothelium are radially elongated with fibrous thickenings. These cells are hygroscopic and when they lose water they contract as a result anther dehisces which helps in the release of pollen grains. Middle layers: Two to three layered cells present below the endothelium constitute middle layers. The cells of the middle layer store food materials. Tapetum: It is the inner most layer of the anther wall and surrounds the sporogenous tissue. The cells have dense cytoplasm and prominent nuclei. Tapetum is nutritive in function which supplies nutritive materials to developing sporogenous tissue.Read more on -

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