English, asked by Maleeha5054, 10 months ago

deascribe the 2 roads the author finds which one did he choose


Answered by savitridhuriya1549

On his way ,the poet found two roads.The first road was a beaten track and it appeared that many people had walked on it. It was lost in the small shrubs. While the other road was grassy and unspoiled and its appeares to the poet as if it has been left undisturbed from a long time.He chooses the road which is less travelled by the people, because, it is more inviting and the poet is adventurous by nature and loves to take changes.


Answered by nups20

the one road is grassy and wanted wear it is travelled by many peoples. And the second road is rarely used or travelled the poet describes two roads as two different situations or opportunity in the life And he chooses the rarely travelled by people

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