Hindi, asked by aarav511, 10 months ago

debate against online classes during lockdown in hindi​


Answered by cuteprincess559


debate: As we know that during the pandemic situation going outside is harmful as online classes are conducted by video call or what's app but the things is that in our country or state or in our school some are rich, middle class as well as poor and the poor people just wanted to educate there child by any means so they are not in such a situation to have a mobile phone or any electronic device so they are not able to conduct the online classes

those who have the electronic device during the time of online classes they are busy with the games or something else and they are just showing that they are studying and becoming addicted

eye problems by radiation

(expand it this situation too)

causing headache


there I have given2 to 3 points if I want more ask me sorry I have given to u in English please try to translate. I have not seen that to write in Hindi

Answered by manjusharma01985


भारी बस्ता उतर कमर से

पलको पर ठहरा है

बच्चों के तन मन पर देखो

विकिरण का पहरा है

किसको अपना दर्द बताएं

जख्म बहुत ही गहरा है

जब अपना हाकिम ही यारो

शायद अंधा बहरा है

इन दिनो ऑनलाइन अध्ययन एक प्रचलन सा बन गया है। कोविड 19 के चलते इस लोकडाउन में कई स्कूलों ने पिछले एक साल से ऑनलाइन अध्ययन की प्रकिया को अपनाकर इसे अधिक उपयोग मे लाया है।

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