English, asked by nitinthecursor349, 1 year ago

Debate co-education should be stopped in India(against)


Answered by brunomars
For your debate the following points may help you:

Reasons for not prescribing educational qualifications for candidates are:

a. For candidates their biggest test is the Election which determines their future in the politics. Choice of the people is determined by the credibility of the candidate, his/her past record,  whether he will be able to work as per the interest of the voters. It is imperative for candidates/political leaders to be responsive to people's needs and show concern to their problems or else they will be not be voted to power.

b. Poverty ,illiteracy continue to hamper the progress of our country. If we prescribe educational qualification for leaders it would be against the democratic principle for a country where large section of population is illiterate and the very essence of elections which implies giving chance to everybody to contest would be defeated.

c. It should be left to the voters to decide educational qualification for leaders.

d. For leaders, it is more of their ability to understand people's concerns that matters.

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