debate competition on topic homework should be banned or not
All the Yes points:
26% 06:28
1. Homework has little educational worth
and adds nothing to the time spent in
school. Some schools an...
2. Homework is almost always done when
a child is already tired from a long day
at school. As a result...
3. Setting homework does little to develop
good study skills. It is hard to check
whether the homework...
4. Homework produces large amount of
pointless work of little educational
value, but marking it ties up...
5. Homework puts students off learning.
Studies have shown that many children
find doing homework very...
6. Homework takes a lot of time up. Being
young is not just about doing school
No because...
Homework is a vital and valuable part of
education. There are only a few hours in
each school day - not enough time to
cover properly all the subjects children
need to study. Setting homework extends
study beyond school hours, allowing a
wider and deeper education. It also makes
the best use of teachers, who can spend
lesson time teaching rather than just
supervising individual work that could be
done at home. Tasks such as reading
writing essays, researching, doing maths
problems, etc. are best done at home,
away from the distractions of other