Science, asked by HappiestWriter012, 1 year ago

Debate :- "Friction is a necessary evil

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Answered by duragpalsingh
Just as there are forces of contact and forces at a distance, which are characterized by putting bodies in motion, there is another type of force that reduces the speed of a moving object, even stopping it to zero: Of friction or frictional force.

The force of friction is actually the opposition to the movement of bodies and occurs in all known means (solid, liquid and gaseous). Since the surface of the bodies in contact are not ideally smooth it is impossible to disappear this force, which in some cases is necessary to reduce and in others to increase, since the friction is a force with opposite direction to the applied force.

If it were not for the existence of this force, we could not stop once they started: vehicles would not advance, because the friction serves as support for the wheels to push and in their absence would only turn without advancing.

Static friction differs from kinetic because it is greater than this, since a body at rest upon receiving an application force rising from zero to a certain value remains at rest only until the applied force exceeds Maximum value of static friction. At that moment, the body begins to move and the friction is called kinetic.
When the body is in motion, it is possible to reduce the application force slightly and the movement is maintained. This is because static friction is overcome, the microscopic joints that kept the contact surfaces together are broken.

The friction is reduced in the design of the vehicles, by their geometric form and materials to be used, be they submarines, boats and everything that moves in the water.

In the air and space

Depending on the aerodynamic design (its geometrical shape), the airplanes reduce friction but the speed is crucial and, as it increases, the friction with the air increases, which can be observed when a space vehicle, To the Earth's atmosphere. Even in the apparently empty space there is friction, the quantum particles are witness to it.
Answered by AkashMandal
Friction is a necessary evil

let's take some real life examples that we may use in our day- to day life. You have seen a rolling ball slows down and stops after sometime. similarly, if you stop pedalling a bicycle, it slows down and ultimately stops.Also rolling ball covers longer distance on a smooth surface than on a grassy lawn, ie :- rough surface.

thus , a question arises in our mind , what makes moving things come to stop ? There is some kind of force that acts on the ball or the bicycle and makes them stop. This force is known as Frictional force , or simply Friction. The force of friction acts between the ball and the floor and between the bicycle and the road. it always tries to prevent movement; because of this ball and bicycle slows down and then stops.

if the two surfaces in contact are smooth , friction is very small. if the surfaces are rough, friction is large . whenever a body slips over another body, the force of friction acts in a direction opposite to the direction of slipping. so, we observed that nature of surface whether it is smooth or rough plays an very important role in the origin of friction.

Friction plays an important role in our daily life. it is acting all the time around you.

Friction helps us in walking , when we walk there is a friction between our foot and the ground. this prevents you from slipping. on the other hand, if you step in a banana​ peel you may slip because the banana peel is smooth and reduces the friction.

Tyres of vehicles are made with special kinds of grooves, these grooves helps to have considerable friction and good grip between the tyres and the road. similarly, when a Tyre gets old it's surfaces becomes smooth , vehicles with worn- out tyres stop after covering a much longer distance , therefore when brakes are applied there is a greater risk of accident.

as we all know that liquids exerts friction .
The friction due to water is important for the movement of boats and ships. similarly, it is also applicable in streamlined shape.
streamlined shapes of aqatic animals like fishes which helps them in reducing the force of friction, through which they move.
same example while swimming , a swimmer tries to streamline his body.

Friction arises even when object is made to move through air. aeroplane's are made streamlined to ensure minimum friction as they move through air. same as birds are also shaped in a manner . space launch vehicles are specially designed to minimize the effect of friction of air.

A matchstick lights up due to friction against the side of matchbox when we strike it, This can also destroy houses when catches fire.

hence, friction is necessary for carrying out day to day activities because without this force we cannot set the bodies in motion or stops the moving bodies. on the other hand, friction wastes energy, bring about wear and​ tear and slows down motion.

Thus, we can say that friction is a necessary evil as without it, we cannot​ do our day - to day activities and with it we lose energy ,speed etc.



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