History, asked by smarteduhb8967, 1 year ago

Debate in ancient education and modern education about write short note


Answered by tariqshakir12



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Secondary School Social sciences 13 points

Difference between ancient and modern education system in india in hindi

Ask for details Follow Report by Thedopest5265 30.07.2018



ramtanu51 Expert

The Gurukula system of education is just another education system that is quite similar to the residential schools of today.

A lot of people tend to associate Gurukula system of education with Hindus and the system of education where exclusively Hindu scriptures are taught. This is not correct. Yes, it is true that it is one of the oldest systems of education. But other than that, there is no exclusive or direct link of the system itself to Hindus.


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subi20qhpcmmfi Ambitious

In ancient times, India had the Gurukula education system in which anyone who wanted to study went to a teacher's house (Guru) and asked to be taught. If he was accepted as a student by the guru, he would then remain in the guru's place and assist in all activities in the country. This type of things not only create a strong bond between the teacher and student, but also taught the student everything about running a house and how to deal with things.In many ways,technology changed education

On the one hand, technology has greatly expanded access to education. In medieval times, books were rare and only a few elite had access to educational opportunities. Individuals had to travel to learning centers to obtain an education. Today, huge amounts of information are available in books, audio, images, videos are available over the Internet, and opportunities for formal learning are available online through the Khan Academy, MOOCs, podcasts, Degree online and more. Access to learning opportunities today is unprecedented thanks to technology.

Due to this technology classrooms have been relatively isolated,and collaboration has been limited to other students in the same classroom or building. Today,technology allows forms of communication and collaboration without dreaming in the past. For example, students in a rural United States classroom can learn about the Arctic following the expedition of a team of scientists from the region, view photos, send questions via e-mail to scientists, and Even talk Living with scientists through a videoconference. Students can share what they are learning with students in other classrooms in other states that are following the same expedition. Students can collaborate on group projects using technology-based tools such as wikis and Google Docs. Classroom walls are no longer a barrier as technology allows for new ways of learning, communicating and working collaboratively.

Technology has also begun to change the role of teachers and students. In the traditional classroom the teacher is the primary source of information, and the students receive it passively. This model of the teacher as the "wise on stage" has been in education for a long time, and is still very much in evidence today. However, due to access to the information and educational opportunities that technology has allowed, in many classes today we see that the role of the teacher changes to the "side guide" as students assume more responsibility for their own learning Using technology to collect relevant information. Schools and colleges across the country are beginning to redesign learning spaces to enable this new model of education, foster more interaction and work in small groups, and use technology as a facilitator.

Technology is a powerful tool that can support students and transform education in many ways, from making it easier for teachers to create instructional materials to enabling new ways for people to learn and work together.There are many opportunities provided by technology to change education so that effective and efficient education is available to everyone everywhere.

Answered by Anonymous


The anicent education system was based known as the indian system of education. It was based on astrology and basic knowledge. The sons of the kings and priest were only allowed to study. Girls were mainly forbidden to attain education.

The schooling were held outside rather than in a building and gurukuls were there where all the students are treated equally as tribals,and because of this, they had to cut woods from the forests and do such work for themselves.

The students were made to do cramming to learn what they are reading, rather than writing it.

This type of system was believed extremely strange and inferior by the Britishers, and hence, they changed the system of education.

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