Debate in favour on topic school should be about learning not sport
When we think about college, the first thing that comes up to mind is education. In most cases it is, but sports has also taken a huge step to be up there with education. In the essay “School Should Be About Learning, Not Sports” by Amanda Ripley, she focuses on the fact that sports have in ways become the main focus in school rather than education itself. Many schools use sports as a way to promote and display school spirit. This kind of action has led many students to reprioritizes on what is important for them. Even if sports is a huge part of school life, the main purpose of school should be about gaining knowledge and getting an education. It shouldn’t be all about winning a sports game.
The huge emphasis on sports has made education seen as less significant. Ripley stated in her essay on Rooms for Debate that many students would think that it is okay to not be good at math or English because there are other options like sports for them in the future. “By mixing sports and academics, we tempt kids into believing that it’s O.K. if they don’t like math or writing — that there is another path to glory.” (Ripley). In reality not everyone who is in sports during school becomes an athlete and make a living out of it. There are millions of people in this world and only a few gets the opportunity to become a professional athlete. This kind of mindset will disrupt the possibilities there are for the students out there in the future. For instance, students who have their mindset set on sports would most likely use more of their time on sports rather than their education. Without education, they will have a difficult time succeeding in the future if they fail in becoming an athlete. Education is the key for the door to opportunities. ...