History, asked by Alizask8758, 10 months ago

Debate :mahatma gandhi on basic education and macavlay on english education


Answered by GujjarBoyy
Answered by Anonymous


On Education

Gandhi's View

Education as per Mahatma Gandhi

Buniyadi Shiksha (Fundamental Education)

To Students

Gandhiji's Views on Education

Gandhiji's Views On Youth As An Agent For Social Transformation

Books Online

Towards New Education : M. K. Gandhi

Gandhiji On Education

An education which does not teach us to discriminate between good and bad, to assimilate the one and eschew the other, is a misnomer.

Education should be so revolutionized as to answer the wants of the poorest villager, instead of answering those of an imperial exploiter.

Education in the understanding of citizenship is a short-term affair if we are honest and earnest. Basic education links the children, whether of cities or the villages, to all that is best and lasting in India.

Is not education the art of drawing out full manhood of the children under training?

Literacy in itself is no education.

Literacy is not the end of education nor even the beginning.

Literacy education should follow the education of the hand—the one gift that visibly distinguishes man from beast.

Real education has to draw out the best from the boys and girls to be educated.

True education must correspond to the surrounding circumstances or it is not a healthy growth.

What is really needed to make democracy function is not knowledge of facts, but right education.

National education to be truly national must reflect the national condition for the time being.

The function of Nayee-Talim is not to teach an occupation, but through it to develop the whole man.

I believe that religious education must be the sole concern of religious associations.

By education I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in the child and man—body, mind and spirit.

By spiritual training I mean education of the heart.

Experience gained in two schools under my control has taught me that punishment does not purify, if anything, it hardens children.

I consider writing as a fine art. We kill it by imposing the alphabet on little children and making it the beginning of learning.

I do regard spinning and weaving as the necessary part of any national system of education.

The aim of university education should be to turn out true servants of the people who will live and die for the country's freedom.

A balanced intellect presupposes a harmonious growth of body, mind and soul.



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