English, asked by anubhaviaankhen3817, 1 year ago

debate on Adolescence is not the stage of stress or storm but stage to explore and discover.


Answered by upenderjoshi28

Adolescence is not the stage of stress or storm but stage to explore and discover


Adolescence, undoubtedly is the age to explore and discover; not the age of stress or storm. Though this age is full of challenges, but it is also the age of energy, enthusiasm, and chasing of dreams. Louise J. Kaplan has rightly and very wisely remarked, “Adolescence represents an inner emotional upheaval, a struggle between the eternal human wish to cling to the past and the equally powerful wish to get on with the future.”

It is quite true that adolescence is the pivotal phase in any human’s development and growth. It is crucial transitional period from childhood into adulthood. Crucial physical, emotional, mental, and attitudinal changes take place in this period. This is the age of stress and aggression. This phase is the phase of emotional turmoil in which an adolescent feels quite confused and vague about many issues of life. One of the most conspicuous aspects of teenage is the clash of ideology between the teenagers and grown-ups.

It has been found that most cases of teenage problems result from isolation, loneliness, desperation, and lack of trust in parents, friends, and other family members. All these problems can be minimized by understanding teenage problems and tackling them considerately. Teenagers are exempted to react, but the elders must not react to their reactions as it might entice them to go astray and take wrong decisions in stress and hysteria.

The parents, teachers, and other agencies that have the responsibilities to look after their healthy growth and development must ensure they get healthy environment, training, and skills to be able to cope successfully with the many complexities and stresses of this phase.

They should be encouraged to optimally use their energy, enthusiasm, and spirit of adventurism to accomplish something new. They should not be entangled in the unnecessary conflicts of ideas, generation gap, and obsolete ways of thinking. If guided properly, the adolescents have infinite potential to do, be, and have anything.

Let’s help adolescents fly high in the sky of exploration and new discoveries. 
Answered by mittalsapna155

Thnx guru for such a useful answer.

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