Debate on criminals are wicked and desrve punishment not in favour
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Debate on criminals are wicked and deserve punishment Now-a-days, the crimes are increasing everywhere. Everyday we hear the news that someone was robbed or murdered. This has lead to instability in many countries. In India, it has many adverse effects. The crime rate is going up at a very fast rate in India. Most of the crimes in India involves robbery, theft, etc. Sometimes shops are looted or sometimes houses arelooted. Recently in Kolkata, fire broke out in a hospital in which about 92 people died. Also in past,in BHOPAL GAS TRAGEDY, about 22,000 people died and thousands of people wereseriously injured. These crimes are not intentional. But they accidentally took place.Criminals should not be punished severely. But before punishing, we should try to know why they did so. No one wants to do crime, but situation forces them to commit it. Many people commit crime because they need money to maintain their families. When criminals are keptin jail, they become hardened criminals. They loose their respect and only thinks to hurt others. But now-a-days, the government has started many rehabilitation programs to help criminals to convert them into good human beings. When jail - authorities see improvementin criminals, they release them even before completion of their period of imprisonment.SUPREME COURT OF INDIA has also said that severe punishment cannot be given for any small crime. The court while sentencing the convicts should deal with them under the PROBATION OF OFFENDERS ACT, 1958. The courts should release the convicts of minor offences by giving them the benefit of probation.Crimes are to be hated not the criminals. So at last, I want to say that the criminals should not be given severe punishment. They can be converted into good human beings by humanitarian values like love, care ness, etc. So, they should be guided not to do such actions in futureinstead of sending them to jail.
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