debate on demography is destiny
It is believed that demography is destiny. According to it, the population trends and distributions determine the future of a country, region or even the entire world. For instance, if the human population increases too fast or too slowly, or if there are too many young or old people, then certain things may happen like, economic boom or bust, political unrest or mass migration.
It is a known fact that the US population is aging. The Census Bureau has said that the elderly population will more than double by the year 2040. It is predicted that, as a consequence of this the Medicare and the Social Security system will collapse.
But there are other factors which will affect the future. A 96 page report presented by the National Academy on an Aging Society gives compelling evidence to show that the aging of society poses a challenge, but not a crisis. And the challenge can be met with a reasoned set of policy choices. The report of Georgetown University's center on an Aging Society also supports this view, demography is not destiny.