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The great Indian GDP debate, explained in five charts

8 min read . 04 Jun 2019

Pramit Bhattacharya

If there is no way to tell which part of the economy is doing well and which is not, policymakers will continue to have to rely on rough proxies and their intuition for decision-Liveminte-paperNew





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The great Indian GDP debate, explained in five charts

The great Indian GDP debate, explained in five charts

The great Indian GDP debate, explained in five charts

8 min read . 04 Jun 2019

Pramit Bhattacharya

If there is no way to tell which part of the economy is doing well and which is not, policymakers will continue to have to rely on rough proxies and their intuition for decision-making


Plain FactsGDPIndian economyNSSO

A month after statisticians from the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) published a report exposing holes in one of the key databases used in India’s gross domestic product (GDP) calculations the controversy around India’s new GDP series refuses to die down, with several economic commentators continuing to raise questions on India’s GDP numbers and the official statistical machinery .

The data storm erupted after Mint first reported the findings of the NSSO report on 8 May. The report based on a field survey of services firms showed that 16.4% of companies in the MCA-21 database were either non-traceable or closed, and another 21.4% were ‘out of coverage’ or misclassified. These results meant that two detailed reports based on the first-of-its-kind survey had to be junked

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