English, asked by harshavardhang2741, 11 months ago

Debate on homes for aged is necessity in india


Answered by AnmolRaii





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Are old age homes necessary?

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Yes, The old age homes are needed. A moral duty The Old Age homes are very necessary for the helpless, Homeless elderly people because the irresponsible, Cruel, Greedy son or daughter throw their parents out from the house and take all of their property.

The thought is like to share is

"We make them cry,

who care for us.

We cry for those,

who never care for us. "

This is the truth of life. It's STRANGE but TRUE! "

The children should be responsible and take care of their old aged parents who have given them birth, Taken care of them for their whole life, Has provided food and nutrition, Education, Love, And much more. If giving birth to a child and throwing him/her into the orphanage is not as worse as putting his/ her parents into the orphanage. The old parents just want to be with his/her children and grandchildren, Care and love of his/her family.

The child who his thrown his/her parents in the Old Age homes is the cruelest person in the world. The child who has thrown his or her parents in the Old Age homes just for money is a curse for the nation as well as his/her parents. The person not of his parents can never be the son/daughter of his/her motherland. The child living without his/her parents is the most unlucky person in the world.

The child who is too poor to pay the bill of the medicines, Prosthetics, Surgeries, Etc. Of his/her parents can send them to the old age homes which provide everything, Food, Medicines, Prosthetics, Etc. For free. So the senior citizens can have a better, Easy and healthy life.

A moral duty is put on the children to take care of their parents. But nowadays what we are observing in our society is that the children are not willing to take care of their parents, They do not want to spend money on them, They are treating their parents as aliens, They do not want to share an emotional bond with parents.

These children are forgetting that the foundation of their life is built up by the parents. They are forgetting their moral and ethical duties towards their parents. This is because of fast life, Industrialization, Money-oriented minds, Inflation, Etc. Children have no ti, E to look after their parents because of their busy schedule and as a consequence of this situation the elders are getting neglected. At this age, Almost all people need some kind of support.

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