English, asked by pink29, 1 year ago

debate on india population is a boon


Answered by mangharam
A growing population would be bane for not only India, but also for the rest of the world. Let me explain why.

1. India is too tiny to handle such a high population. If the United States of America has resource issues even with all of this land, I am pretty sure that India will suffer worse resource issues.

2. A rising population equals lower sanitation. Take the United State's industrial age. During that time period, millions of immigrants were moving to America for a better life. This meant that areas with increasing populations had to be full of tenements to support these people. In the tenements there were poor living conditions.

3. You say that a growing population is good, but what will happen when these people that are constantly being born are too old to work? Read one of the articles in my sources for more info.

4. Welfare would be improved if population growth was shorter.

5. India may become desperate for resources. (This may not happen however) If India needed more resources for a rising population, they may start trying to expand their land. Take what Japan did for example during World War 2. They did not take land because of a rising population, but they were using their war forces to expand. What makes you think that with could not happen with India? India could easily take Nepal, or Sir Lanka.

6. Once India's population reaches the point in which it's too bad, the Indian may panic and pass laws to control population growth such as what China did.

mangharam: thanks
Answered by Gayatru
Indian population is a boon as it would result in high income which would result in high savings and economical growth. Our population offers us an absolute force of cheap manpower which is very useful tool for india. Large ppopulation can be a big asset in labour based manufacturing units. Etc
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