debate on modern education should work towards making the education system stress free for the child in about 350 words
Person A: The school is the most valuable place in the education system of our country. So, It should be stress-free to a child.
Person B: The modern education system should be learning focussed on making the educational system provides stress-free education.
Person C: Undoubtedly, the school is a significant personal and social environment in student life. A child-friendly school makes it sure to every child to enjoy an environment that is physically and mentally safe.
Person A: It should also be emotionally secure and psychologically protecting.
Person B: I think, teachers are the single most important personality in creating an effective and inclusive classroom.
Person A: Stress-free, the child-friendly school has two prime characteristics: it should be child-seeking and child-attractive.
Person C: However, Teachers are the prime and most important factor in creating an effective and learning place.
Person A: There is no doubt about it.