English, asked by KESHAVSHARMA29, 6 months ago

debate on plastics bags should be banned in one page


Answered by misschuiya01


Plastic bags are everywhere in our environment. When we go to purchase our groceries, we use plastic bags because they are convenient. In fact, in our modern lives, it has become part of us. However, the convenience of these plastic bags come at a very high cost to the environment and negatively affects human health.

Several cities globally have begun banning the use of plastic bags, while some have enforced restricted laws against the use of plastic bags because of the negative effects of their usage.

Besides, the use of plastic bags is considered as one of the great issues that humans are facing in their contemporary life. Cities such as China have banned the use of plastics. Bangladesh and India have only banned the use and sale of polythene bags, which basically have a thickness of fewer than 50 microns.

1. Plastic bags pollute not only our water but also our land

Plastic bags are usually lightweight, and as such, they can travel very long distances by either water or wind. The wind blows these plastic bags and trashes a whole area. These litters get caught up in between trees, fences, and floats in water bodies, thus moving to the world’s oceans.

2. The plastic bags are made from non-renewable sources and on this account, highly contribute to climate change

Most of the plastic is made of polypropylene, which is a material manufactured from petroleum and natural gas. All of the materials are non-renewable fossil fuel-based materials, and through their extraction and even production, greenhouse gases are created, which further contribute to global climate change.

3. A lot of energy is used in producing these bags

The total amount of energy required to drive a car for one kilometer or 0.5 miles is the equivalent energy required to produce nine plastic bags. It is not rational that these non-renewable resources are used to make plastic bags when the typical useful life of each and every plastic bag is around 12 minutes.

4. Plastic bags do not degrade

In truth, petroleum-based plastic bags never degrade. Instead of the plastic degrading, it is broken down into small tiny pieces that are swept down and end up in the oceans, which are then consumed by wildlife. Currently, approximately 46,000-1,000,000 plastic fragments are floating within every square mile of the globe’s oceans.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, every household in the nation used approximately 885 plastic bags per year or 17 plastic bags per week. Since one grocery bag sized reusable bag will hold up to four plastic bags of goods when packed properly, only four reusable bags are needed to eliminate those 17 plastic bags per week. If every U.S. household used four reusable bags each week, 102 billion plastic bags could be eliminated.

hope these helps u

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