Debate on the topic: Development of sound education & health system ensures the national security more than miltary strength
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Atta Annan, the great Ghanaian diplomat and seventh Secretary-General of the
United Nations said,” Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education
is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.” There is much appeal and relevance in his words in the light of the topic I am about to expatiate. His words are no less than universal truth. Education is the most potent weapon a country can have for its security. Let's see how?
In order to understand how education ensures national security, we will have to ponder over the following questions: 1. Which are the most secure nations in the world in the contemporary times? 2. What is the power that actually makes them so secure and potent?
Unequivocally, all of you will agree with me that America, Israel, Japan, UK, France, Russia, Germany, etc are considered the most secure nations in the world! Certain facts and figures such as, their technological advancement index, per capita income, national literacy rate index , economic growth rate, national health index, etc, determine a country's strength and power.
Let's talk about America, which is considered the most secure and powerful country in the world. It is most advanced in the key areas such as military, technology, research and development, education, medical facilities and innovation, space science, industry, agriculture, etc. Why is America ahead of other countries? The answer is EDUCATION. If you will try to find the root of this development and security, you will find education at the base of them all. America has a very robust and innovative national education system. It equips each and every American with the most advanced knowledge, through most advanced teaching and learning methodology. It provides such a healthy educational environment for the American students, that when they pass out of schools and colleges, they become advanced and skilled professionals in all the key fields.
On the other hand countries that rely only on military power remain horribly backward with their national growth stunted. North Korea is an example of such country---completely isolated from the rest of the world.
In the recent years China has emerged as a fast progressing country. This progress has been possible owing to the revolutionary reforms in the educational reforms done all across China. India too is marching ahead on the road of progress, prosperity and self-reliance. All this has been possible with the power of education. So it is education that makes a country truly secure.
In order to understand how education ensures national security, we will have to ponder over the following questions: 1. Which are the most secure nations in the world in the contemporary times? 2. What is the power that actually makes them so secure and potent?
Unequivocally, all of you will agree with me that America, Israel, Japan, UK, France, Russia, Germany, etc are considered the most secure nations in the world! Certain facts and figures such as, their technological advancement index, per capita income, national literacy rate index , economic growth rate, national health index, etc, determine a country's strength and power.
Let's talk about America, which is considered the most secure and powerful country in the world. It is most advanced in the key areas such as military, technology, research and development, education, medical facilities and innovation, space science, industry, agriculture, etc. Why is America ahead of other countries? The answer is EDUCATION. If you will try to find the root of this development and security, you will find education at the base of them all. America has a very robust and innovative national education system. It equips each and every American with the most advanced knowledge, through most advanced teaching and learning methodology. It provides such a healthy educational environment for the American students, that when they pass out of schools and colleges, they become advanced and skilled professionals in all the key fields.
On the other hand countries that rely only on military power remain horribly backward with their national growth stunted. North Korea is an example of such country---completely isolated from the rest of the world.
In the recent years China has emerged as a fast progressing country. This progress has been possible owing to the revolutionary reforms in the educational reforms done all across China. India too is marching ahead on the road of progress, prosperity and self-reliance. All this has been possible with the power of education. So it is education that makes a country truly secure.
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