English, asked by sangeetadhawan43, 1 year ago

Debate on topic does race for material goods lead to moral downfall


Answered by upenderjoshi28

             Does race for material goods lead to moral downfall?

Good morning everyone; I am going to express my views on ‘does race for material goods lead to moral downfall’; and I am going to speak in favor of it.  

It is absolutely true that race for material goods lead to moral downfall. The very fact that one makes materialism one’s priority, one has already compromised with one’s morals. Its effects on our society are already visible. Everyone appears to have become a mammon worshipper.  

Materialism has already rotted many systems in the society. Nothing has been spared! Even the relationships have been rotted by it. Materialism has become the top priority of people. The present state of human relations is quite grim! The once quite healthy and robust relations have become quite tenuous! The canker that has undermined the strength of human relations is materialism.  

What has happened to human values? The morals have gone so down that prime purpose of man's existence is pecuniary pursuits. Man has stooped so low that he sacrifices even the most sacred relations for the sake of material gains. Gone are the days of brotherly, sisterly, fatherly, or motherly love. Man can break all ties of love and respect for the sake of money and property! All ethics, etiquette, decency, and decorum have gone to dogs.  

Life has become merely trade, commerce and profit earning. So wherever man finds some financial gain or advantage, he honors those relations. The rest is least said the better! I conclude my views by saying that materialism surely leads to moral downfall.

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