English, asked by payaldewangan2006, 6 months ago

debate on topic of homeschooling better than private schooling ​


Answered by ayyaz12


Homeschooling is Better! As the other says homeschool is very fun and you are not stress on studying. Do you think one teacher can teach all students like 40 - 50 students? One teacher can't focus their attention on one child or another. On home school, parents are very focus on their child and you are able to make your own curriculum for your child to enjoy!

Answered by ashmitamoon14


Luffman, J. (1998) stated that Home Schooling occurs when a child participates in his or her education at home rather than attending a public, private, or other type of school. Parents or guardians take the responsibility of their children education and may develop their own curriculum guidelines. Most of 80% people agree that homeschooling is better than public school in some reasons. I do agree with that because home schooling has many advantages more than public school. Lack of violence, better social development, more effective learning, better education, and flexible are several advantages that support people to choose homeschooling rather than public school.


The best or effective learning process given by homeschooling has a big impact for the academic result. According to a report published by the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) and funded by the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education, homeschooler achievement test scores were exceptionally high. Students who had been homeschooled their entire academic life had higher scholastic achievement test scores than students who had attended other educational programs.Homeschooler get a better education not only from the learning process itself, but also from the curriculum, the materials, and the goals that can be set by them which fit to the students need and intelligences. Homeschoolers can set their goals together with their parents which are implied from their own experiences. Homeschooler also have option to use an all-in-one curriculum, buy individual texts and workbooks from one or more publishers, or use picture books, nonfiction, and reference volumes instead, or alternative resources such as novels, videos, music, and hands-on- activities. Public school students can get hands-on experiences when they have a free time after school, but homeschooler can do many things as the part of the learning process everyday and every time. They can study biology in the field and get some fossils as they authentic materials, they can build their own robots, and they also can learn from the real actor or educator every time because of the curriculum and standard are already set to make them learn many things not only about education but also about their real life.

Homeschooling canthe best choice for some parents who are really busy in doing their business or did not have enough time for accompanying their children at home. Because homeschooling is flexible, parents can arrange the time for the children to learn together with them and also the teacher. Homeschooling also gives the flexibility for parents and children to take time off for a trip or a family emergency without the fear of missing anything. Besides that, in some public schools of some countries, they have summer holiday which takes three months for the students not go to school. It will makes the students forget about everything that they have learned at school, but it will not happen to the homeschooler because they can arrange the time to learn at least one hour thirty minutes per day depends on the situation and the condition of the students. So, the children can keep doing a little work over the holiday.

In conclusion, homeschooling is better than public school for some aspects. The children and parents who join homeschooling feel that they get some advantages for their future. It is not only about the education that given by homeschooling teacher, but also about the social interaction, and the flexibility of time. In fact, some homeschoolers are ready and accepted to go to college by 11 years old. It will not happen for the public school students because they have to study for six years at elementary school, three years at middle school, and also three years in senior high school. Yet, it is an exception for students who get acceleration. Homeschooling not only help the child in their learning process, but also help parents to accompany their children in some work because of the flexibility of time. Everyone can arrange their time to learn depends on their situation and condition whether for week days, weekend, or holidays. The homeschooler also feel more confident than public school students, because they can ask and do many things without getting bully from others. It will make them learn well and enjoy the lesson. Join homeschooling also good for children’s characteristic because they only spending their time with parents and people that their parents’ approve of. So that, some people are agree that homeschooling is better than public school with all of the fact that have been shown.

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