debate on topic - old age homes a necessity
yes: When they are thrown out of their homes or if they cannot stay with their family , this is the place for them. Old age homes supply a number of needs you want as you get older. First among these is security, both financially, physically and medically, though not necessarily in that order. A couple / person may buy an apartment unit in a village for less than their house and section, leaving them with a nest egg to enjoy a bit of life. The apartment can also be new without the constant maintenance an older property requires, giving more free time.
no: According to me, If we take care of our parents there is no need for old age homes. People who say yes, That old age home is necessary. They surely don't love their parents. Our parents sacrifice our life for us, In return, They don't ask anything like money etc. . But people don't understand the meaning of their love and put them to an orphanage for adults called "Old Age homes. "
you can see hawdabridge ,rastrapati bhavan our Parliament made in earlier time is still strong and perfect .
old age homes has also so many memories