Debate supporting 'Freedom is a boon as essential as the air we breathe
Freedom is a boon as essential as the air we breathe
Yes, it is the true saying that freedom is a boon as essential as the air we breathe. Freedom means we are independent on anything and we have right for every good things. Just as the air is needed for breathing, freedom is also essential.
If we have freedom, everyone will respect us. If you have freedom, you can do anything. If there are luxuries in our life and no freedom, then the luxuries and meaningless and we will be unhappy. On the other hand, if there is less contrary of luxuries but we have complete freedom, we will be happy.
We didn't had freedom at the time of Britishers. They had conquered our country. At that time, all Indians were their slavers. But then too, we Indians did not conquered their freedom. Because we respect other's freedom.
So, Freedom is a boon as essential as the air we breathe. Just as we need air, we need freedom, too. Without freedom, life of man is meaningless.
It is quite true freedom is as essential as air we breathe. If you have freedom, you can create any anything; but if you don’t have it, life appears hard struggle. If a man has all the luxuries but no freedom, those luxuries can't make him happy. On the contrary if he has less luxuries, but complete freedom, he will be happy. Freedom is life. Without freedom life is worse than hell.
Life is all about man attaining freedom. In the past man lived in various types of slaveries. In the Stone Age he strove to achieve freedom ignorance. He learnt to make fire, shelters, clothes, etc. Then with the formation of human societies, various ills such as discrimination on the basis of caste, color, creed, and financial status arose. Then men fought for political, social, and financial freedom.
Still many challenges such as fatal diseases, pollution, advancement of science and technology stand as unconquerable mountains in front of him. Man must work harder to be free of all types of bondages. Only then he can say he is truly free. He is busy making strategies to overcome them. Freedom is essential for man’s happiness. Without it man’s life is meaningless.