debate topic- Political party can change a nation or a good social worke
I will start my presentation by referring to the theme of our Conference SWSD 2016 held in Seoul, South Korea, Promoting the dignity and worth of people. As this theme can be interpreted in many ways, I will present a reflection on this topic from the richness and depth of Latin American thought. I will do this from my unique perspective as a woman, a salaried worker, an intellectual activist, a social militant and President of the Latin American and Caribbean Region of IFSW.
Why this initial clarification? Because I do not believe in the neutrality of discourse and interpretation, since knowledge production and professional practice are always located and crossed by sex/gender, ethnic/cultural, historical, linguistic and political relations. All of us occupy a space and a time where we are constituted as social subjects. This rooting and construction as social subjects gives us a very unique imprint, a particular way of being, living, feeling and inhabiting our world, which always expresses a difference for each of us.
However, this difference has also been interpreted and built up in many ways. In this article I will make reference to the way that power constructs this. And if we talk about power, we must talk about politics. So my presentation will turn around assumptions of power, politics and social work.