English, asked by navarsh61, 5 months ago

religion should be taught in school

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Answered by khushnoorsidhuys


Debates on religion should be taught in school . Then , children will learn to respect every religion . They will get to know that there is not any specific religion of our India . They will respect our India as well as democracy . They will get to know about the benefits and needs of democracy . They will get to know that our India is a wonderful country . They will get to know about every religion . It means that their knowledge will be enhanced . It will be very much beneficial for them .

Answered by meghasadana82


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It’s a positive topic

It’s a positive topicYes because…

Many argue that religion, for the most part, is a positive subject that can provide students with moral and ethical ideas that will help to instill good values in them. From Christianity to the teachings of Buddha and some Islamic beliefs, there is a basis of do good unto others and be kind to your fellow human and people will argue that this is not a harmful topic to be taught in class. An argument for it being positive in student’s lives is that it helps to provide character development due to positive messages like “love thy neighbor as thyself” from the Bible and “Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.” With a focus on these subjects shared in religious books, many consider the idea of religious education to be a formative and character building one that will provide children with material that will benefit them as adults.


While for a long time, parents of a certain faith pushed for religion to be taught in schools, they were only determined to have their faith taught on the school curriculum. When it comes to several religions being taught, many from strict and staunch religious beliefs will argue that it is confusing for children to be exposed to so many religions, especially if they are being taught to respect and practice a certain one at home. Many people will argue that this is imposing upon the belief system of individuals and their families and that it isn’t fair for children to be exposed by the oftentimes confusing messages found in religions different from their own. Some people consider children to be too young to consider the big questions about life and purpose that are often brought up in religions. They feel that these kinds of deep questions can only cause confusion in young children and make them think about serious topics when they should be still having fun.

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