Deciaml is the number after the point. For example 10.23.
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Place Value: Decimals - Varsity Tutors If a number has a decimal point , then the first digit to the right of the decimal point indicates the number of tenths. For example, the decimal 0.3 is the same as the fraction 310 . The second digit to the right of the decimal point indicates the number of hundredths.
Place Value: Decimals - Varsity Tutors If a number has a decimal point , then the first digit to the right of the decimal point indicates the number of tenths. For example, the decimal 0.3 is the same as the fraction 310 . The second digit to the right of the decimal point indicates the number of hundredths.
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yes bro you are right
I am following you
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please mark me as a brainliest
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