. Decimal representation of a rational number can not be (a) Terminating (b) Non terminating (c) Non Terminating & Repeating (d) Non terminating non repeating 2. The product of any two irrational is (a) Always a irrational number (b) Always a rational number (c) Always an integer (d) Sometimes rational , sometimes irrational 3. Which of the following is equal to x? (a) x12/7-x5/7 (b) (x4)1/3 (c) (x3/2 )2/3 4. The value of is equal to (a) 2 (b) √2 (c) 4 (d) 8 5. The value of ((22)1/3)1/4 is (a) 2-1/6 (b) 2-6 (c) 21/6 (d) 26 6. Express 0.003232323232 ...... in the form of P/Q. 7.. Write the following in decimal form and what kind of decimal expansion each has? (a) 2/15 (b) 329/500 8. Simplify (√3 – √5) (√ 5 + √3) 7-2 √5 9. If x = 1+ √2, then find the value of (x - 1 )3 x 10. If x = √ 3 +√ 2 and y = √ 3 – √2 , find the value of( x+y)2 √3 –√ 2 √3 +√ 2 11. If 3 + √7 = a + b √7, find the value of a & b. 3 – √7 12. Find the value of [ (16)1/2 ]1/2 13. Simplify ( 81/16)-3/4 * [(9/25)3/2 ÷ (5/2)-3 ] 14. Find the value of X , if (6/5)x (5/6)2x = 125/216 15. Show that (xa-b)a+b .(xb-c)b+c .(xc-a)c+a = 1 16. Simplify the expression [(3/5)1/4]-1/5 17. If x = 3 + √8 , find the value of (x2 + 1 ) x2 18. Find five rational numbers between 4/5 and 5/6 19. Express 32.1235353535 ..... in the form of P/Q
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