Decribe how and idea impresing or feeling is made known to other
abstract ADJECTIVE
abstract ideas exist as thoughts in the mind, and are not related to physical objects or real events and actions
a central idea, aspect, system etc is one of the main ones that is used or needed
theoretical ADJECTIVE
based on theories or ideas instead of on practical experience
a popular belief, feeling, attitude etc is one that many people have
orthodox ADJECTIVE
accepted by most people as the correct or usual idea or practice
conceptual ADJECTIVE
relating to ideas and principles
metaphysical ADJECTIVE
relating to ideas about life, existence, and other things that are not part of the physical world
utopian principles or beliefs are based on the idea that life can be perfect. This is often used for saying that something is not practical or sensible
nonconformist ADJECTIVE
different from the way that most people usually think or behave
revisionist ADJECTIVE
revisionist ideas are different from the ideas that a group has officially or traditionally accepted. This word often shows that you think the new ideas are wrong