English, asked by saviii, 11 months ago

deep in the night
When all is still
 Moonbeam climbs
The window-sill
Over ours bed
It softly flies
To see if sleep has
Closed ours eyes
a pinch of gold
Some fairy sand
Is clasped within that
Moonbeam’s hand
And if by chance
We are not asleep
It comes tip-toe
On gentle feet
To touch our eyes
With golden beams
And take you to the
Land of dreams
Answer all these questions
1. "And if by chance. You are not asleep.It comes top on gentle feet. Touch eyes."
A) Who is 'you' here?
B) Who is 'it' here?
C) What does it do?
2. Where does the moonbeam fly?
3. What is clasped in the moonbeam's hand?
4. Why does the moonbeam come tip toe on gentle feet?
5. What will you do to touch your eyes with golden beams?


Answered by tina683
Sorry I am not getting the 5 answer.
plz mark as brainliest.
Answered by qwmagpies

The answer for the following questions are-


  • 'you' is referred to the person that is sleeping on the bed.
  • 'it' is referred to the moonlight beam that comes from the windows towards the person that is sleeping on the bed.
  • if the person has not slept yet, the moonlight beam climbs on the person's feet and shines on his/her eyes.

2. The moonbeam flies and comes over the top of the person to see if he/she is slept or not.

3. There is pinch of gold and fairy sand clasped in the moonbeam's hands.

4. The moonbeam comes tip toe in order to not wake up the person. Tip toe here represent that the moonbeam travels quietly across the room.

5. After touching the person's eyes gently the moonbeam takes the person to the land of dreams. In other words, in makes the person fall asleep.

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