Defeatism is formed from?
There are a few processes that may be going on. The most obvious is a learning history of failure, now the main thing about humans is we are rational, but not THAT rational. Failure tends to hit us hard so all it takes is enough aversive events to make us generlize and become defeatist.
Another 2 related possibilities: 'All or nothing thinking' what I've found is people who are motivated and confident towards things aren't delusional about their success they are just accepting that things won't always work out, but are happy to work towards what they want nonetheless.
The 2nd is about perspective of failure. For some people failure = 'I must be a horrible person' for a so-called non-defeatist failure is what it is not an indictment on who you are as a person.
Just something to note I don't think the path to non-defeatism is to make yourself believe you can succeed or whatever, often the solution to problems like this is embrace the uncertainty and gray area of life.
Revolutionary defeatism. Revolutionary defeatism is a related idea, made most prominent by Vladimir Lenin, that establishes that the proletariat cannot win or gain in a capitalist war.