defference bettwen solar and lunar eclipse
solar eclipse
When the moon comes between the sun and the earth, the shadow of the moon falls on the earth. The part of the earth converted by the shadow of the moon becomes dark during the day time and the sun is not visible from there for some time. This is called a solar eclipse. A solar eclipse can occur only on a new moon day, that is, the day when the moon is not visible on the night side of the earth.
lunar eclipse
When the earth comes between the sun and the moon, the shadow of the earth falls on the moon, and the moon becomes invisible for some time. This is called a lunar eclipse. A lunar eclipse occurs only on a full moon day.
Solar eclipses result from the Moon blocking the Sun relative to the Earth; thus Earth, Moon and Sun all lie on a line. Lunar eclipses work the same way in a different order: Moon, Earth and Sun all on a line. In this case the Earth's shadow hides the Moon from view.