define 1 astronomical unit
The astronomical unit is a unit of length, roughly the distance from Earth to the Sun and equal to about 150 million kilometres or ~8 light minutes. The actual distance varies by about 3% as Earth orbits the Sun, from a maximum to a minimum and back again once each year. Wikipedia
Unit of: Length
1 au or AU in: is equal to
Metric (SI) units: 1.495978707×1011 m
Unit system: Astronomical system of units; (Accepted for use with the SI)
Symbol: au or AU
Imperial & US units: 9.2956×107 mi
A^3= \frac {G {M_{\odot}} D^2}{k^2}
A = unit distance
G = gravitational constant
M_{\odot} = solar mass
k = numerical value of Gaussian gravitational constant
D = time period of one day
The astronomical unit is a unit of length, roughly the distance from Earth to the Sun and equal to about 150 million kilometres or ~8 light minutes. The actual distance varies by about 3% as Earth orbits the Sun, from a maximum to a minimum and back again once each year.
Unit of: Length
1 au or AU in: is equal to
Metric (SI) units: 1.495978707×1011 m
Unit system: Astronomical system of units; (Accepted for use with the SI)
Symbol: au or AU
Imperial & US units: 9.2956×107 mi
Astronomical units: 4.8481×10−6 pc; 1.5813×10−5 ly