(1) l volt PD (2) 1 ampere
(3) 1 ohm (4) Potential
(5) Resistivity (6) Electric power
MSCERT Class 10 General Science Ch4 The Electric Spark
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(1) Volt-One volt is defined as the difference in electric potential between two points of a conducting wire when an electric current of one ampere dissipates one watt of power between those points.
(2)Ampere- One ampere of current represents one coulomb of electrical charge (6.24 x 1018charge carriers) moving past a specific point in one second.
(3)Ohm-The ohm is defined as an electrical resistance between two points of a conductor when a constant potential difference of 1 volt, applied to these points, produces in the conductor a current of 1 ampere, the conductor not being the seat of any electromotive force.
(4)potential-the quantity determining the energy of mass in a gravitational field or of charge in an electric field.
(5)resistivity-a measure of the resisting power of a specified material to the flow of an electric current.
(6)Electric power-Electric power is the rate at which electrical energy is transferred by an electric circuit.
(2)Ampere- One ampere of current represents one coulomb of electrical charge (6.24 x 1018charge carriers) moving past a specific point in one second.
(3)Ohm-The ohm is defined as an electrical resistance between two points of a conductor when a constant potential difference of 1 volt, applied to these points, produces in the conductor a current of 1 ampere, the conductor not being the seat of any electromotive force.
(4)potential-the quantity determining the energy of mass in a gravitational field or of charge in an electric field.
(5)resistivity-a measure of the resisting power of a specified material to the flow of an electric current.
(6)Electric power-Electric power is the rate at which electrical energy is transferred by an electric circuit.
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