define 4 categories of micro organisms
Four categories of micro organisms are:-
Microorganisms are classified into four major groups these groups are bacteria, fungi, protozoa and some algae.
1. Bacteria: Bacterium is the smallest known living organism these are single called organism.Bacteria is necessary for the process of decay of organic matter. Bacteria which cause diseases are called Parasite or Pathogenic bacteria. Following are the diseases caused by Bacteria —
Diphtheria, Gonorrhoea, Meningitis, Cholera, Leprosy, Typhoid, Tetanus Tuberclosis, Plague, Whooping Cough and Pneumonia.
2. Fungi: Fungus is a low form of vegetable life including many microscopic organism capable of producing superficial diseases. Athlete's foot, Ringworm, Madura foot and Dhobi itch are the diseases caused by the fungus.
3. Protozoa: Protozoa are unicellular animals. Some are free-living others are parasites. Several parasitic protozoans cause diseases in human beings, domestic animals and plants. For example: Malaria, Sickness.
4. Algae: Algae are green substance floating on the surface of a pond, lake, river, soil, stones. They tend to grow on wet surfaces. Therefore, they can synthesis their own food. They are found in water or a very moist places. Examples: Nostoc, Spirogyra etc.