Define a balanced diet enlist any give characteristics of balanced diet
✍Eating any one type of food will not help you to grow and stay healthy. Instead of always eating a favourite food, one must eat a little of all kinds of food .
✴A meal which contains all nutrients in a proper amount is called a balanced diet.
✍There are 5 types of nutrients
=> Carbohydrates are energy - giving nutrients. Sugar and starch are two types of carbohydrates.
E.g => Potato, rice etc
=>Proteins aid in rebuilding tissues and help the body to grow .
E.g=> Eggs, meat etc
=> Fats provide more energy than carbohydrates. Vegetable and animal fat are two kinds of fat
E.g=> Chips,Ghee
=> Vitamins keep us strong , healthy and free from germs
E.g => Green leafy vegetables
=>Minerals help in bone and teeth formation and to purify blood. They also keep us healthy and free from germs
E.g=> Vegtables.